Everything you need to succeed
Supervision for Trainees
Remote supervision is offered to trainees, RBT’s and BCaBAs. Remote supervision is designed to mentor supervisees in order to assist in developing a deeper knowledge and understanding of the practices of ABA. Supervisees will be required to construct a variety of activities such as; FBAs and BIPs, take and graph data, read articles, and watch videos. Additionally, virtual supervision with a client if applicable. Supervisors and supervisees meet weekly. Under the guidance of a supervisor, activities are designed to be engaging and educational.
RBT Training
A review class and 30 question mini mock exam is offered for RBT’s. The class reviews concepts and definitions while the mini mock covers scenario questions. The class is designed to be interactive as games and videos are incorporated.
Parent and Teacher Training
Teacher and parent trainings are held virtually. They are done one-to-one or in a small class format. They provide informative strategies on how to apply ABA with their students or children in various settings. These trainings are designed to be motivating and engaging as they are interactive and various resources are used to provide better understanding.